

Phone sex sites

Phone sex sites He found me on one our Phone sex sites, claimed he’d been stalking me for a long time. I was scared, and I am never scared. He was obsessed with me, he didn’t care that I was a big girl. It only turned him on more. He was able to knock me out while I was sleeping with something I must have breathed in because he hasn’t hurt me. I am chained up though, and naked so his purpose here is clear. He has an assortment of toys, whips, nipple clamps, butt plugs, rope and a ball gag. He is already rock hard and stroking it to the fear in my eyes. He spreads my ass and spits on it, sliding his cock up and down my ass and pushing it in a little then pulling it out. He then slowly walks over to the toys, selecting the biggest butt plug of the bunch. I whimpered as he forced it into my ass, he spits on my pussy and does the same thing with his cock. The anticipation is killing me, I just want this to be over with. What does he want with a big girl like me?! As he fucks me I don’t make a sound even though it both hurts and feels good at the same time. He wants me to scream though, wants me to fight against him. That’s when I hear it. He’s playing our Phone sex audio over the speakers. You can hear me, I am screaming, crying and begging for mercy on this call. He is silent as he makes the tears roll down my face, knowing I did this to myself. “See you fat cunt, I’ve been doing this all along and now it’s time to make you scream in person. I want to hear you beg bitch.” He wraps a cord around my throat as he fucks me deeper and harder. My hands are bound and useless and I am begging as much as I can as he squeezes harder and harder.

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