

Phone sex audio Submissive Whore Venice.

Phone sex audio Phone sex audio Submissive Whore Venice. We need to play. My sweet sexy little submissive voice. Calling you master. Listening to me gag on your cock on command. I am a whore. Yours at that. Namely you claim me. I obey. I will give you a blowjob and you listen to me gag on your cock.

At the same time obeying your every command. As has been noted I am submissive. I am bound to obey you. On the positive side as soon as you claim me, I will not disobey, I am yours to command to control. By all means mark me as yours. A point often overlooked is there isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do to make you cum.

You are in need of Phone sex whores, and I am the submissive of the most. To be sure you don’t have to call my name three times to get my attention. Just the once will do. Look no further for your submissive whore. Let me give you that blow job. Fuck me any way you please.

In summary what you command, I obey. I like the cock. In fact, you could say I live to be fucked and to suck cock. Give me all the cock. Until you jizz in my face.

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