

Phone Sex Audio Slut Loves Incest!

Phone sex audioI like getting bent over and fucked as much as the next girl. Getting bent over and fucked in a public place where anyone could catch you, that’s SO fucking hot! My oldest brother was out shopping with me – we were looking for matching outfits for a get-together that’s coming up soon. As I was looking at a skirt that was on the bottom rack, of course I was bent over, and he walked right up into my ass. I knew, right then and there, what was coming. He flipped the short little skirt I was wearing up over my hips, pulled my panties aside, and plunged right into my tight, wet pussy. And wet it was, because it started dripping the minute he walked his already-hard cock up against my bent-over ass. He grabbed my hair in one hand as he started thrusting, and I could hear the hangers on the rack above me moving around. I imagine he was trying to look as though he was doing nothing more than sorting through blouses, even as he pounded the ever-loving shit out of my pussy. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and rolled it up, stuffing as much of it as I could up into my mouth to keep from being loud. He fucked me so good and hard, I swear that I could have screamed my lungs out with my orgasm. We managed to keep it toned down, though. Only one sales associate seemed to know what was up as we left, given she gave us the stank-eye and turned her nose up at us. Damn, I love my brothers!

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