Mom fantasy is dominate and freaky hot fun. Torture is a possibility however to be sure getting off is a requirement. Blowing the load so to say. All in all, you just need to listen and obey. Have some freaky ass hot fun with a dominate mom. There is a reason I am a Domme. Sexy sultry voice will demand your attention.
Fall in line my darling little slave boy. Going to rape your wallet and fuck your ass. From time to time, I may even very well allow you to fuck this hot ass pussy right here. In front of me is where you are going to reside. On your knees perhaps. Always facing me.
Generally speaking, you’re only purpose is to obey and to get off. Given these points I need and want you to stroke your cock while have a Phone sex audio session with me. You will find me on the fuck-a-luscious freak site. Next thing you know is going to be commanding you like there is no tomorrow.
In the long run I will be the one who decides if there will be a tomorrow for you. 😊After all I am the bitch Domme in charge of you. You listen to your mom. It is a mom’s fantasy to have her way and dominate her son in the freaky hot fun fashion. Drain her sons’ balls. That I will. Will make you cum harder than ever and rather quickly at that.